Mrs. Magrum has been part of the Otsego Community for many years. She graduated from Otsego in 1996. She then went on to pursue Early Childhood Education. She earned an Associate's Degree from Owens Community College in 1999, a Bachelor's Degree from Lourde's College in 2003, and a Master's Degree from Findlay University in 2005. She has worked at Otsego Elementary since 2003. Karen taught reading intervention at Grand Rapids Elementary then went on to teach 2nd grade at Haskins Elementary and is currently teaching 2nd grade. She has also enjoys presenting new concepts to teachers, using technology in her classroom, working with BGSU students, and planning engaging lessons for students. She and her husband of 25 years have three children: Justin, Olivia, and Isabel who attend(ed) Otsego. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family, hiking, reading, and shopping.
Twitter: @OtsegoGrade2